What You Should Know Before Acquiring A Rack System

What You Should Know Before Acquiring A Rack System

Rack mounting is one perfect way of enhancing as well as protecting the electronic equipment. This can be at home or in your workplace.  If you’ve been thinking of acquiring a rack system to contain your network, suntec-it.com would like to suggest some strategies that you can apply when selecting the right racking system for your cables and electronics. The guideline will facilitate the decision-making process.

  1. The Number Of Storage Units You Need

When purchasing a server cabinet, you need to determine a high-quality rack unit storage that suits your needs and requirements.  With that said, a rack unit is defined as a standard used in measuring the rack amount equipment. A unit is usually approximately 1.75 inches in height. The server cabinets come as 40U and 48U enclosures. Therefore, you can easily calculate the required space before purchasing the racking system.

  1. A Look At The Dimensions And Fit

What are the dimensions of your space? It’s vital to figure out the type of equipment you’d like to house in the server cabinet. You can also get extra space to mount the front and rear. This should be strictly for future expectations. With that said, it’s vital to note that rack units can’t be adjusted easily, especially when you have a server cabinet. The external dimensions need to fit through your doorways.

  1. Consider Aesthetics And Functionality

When it comes to picking the right racking system for your commercial and domestic use, functionality and aesthetics are vital elements to look at. They enhance your server’s capability to serve you appropriately. For example, the excellent management of a POD server entails great power, cooling, as well as cabling distribution. To determine the type of power distribution your racking system needs, you should consider the AMP plug and redundancy requirements.

Rack System

  1. Consider The Server’s Cooling System

Your selection of server cabinet racking system is going to depend on the cooling system that you’ve implemented in the business. As such, Hot Aisle Containment (HAC), as well as Cold Aisle Containment (CAC), is an effective process used in airflow management. It also results in the optimization of cold air usage. In turn, this improves the cold airflow via the aisles as well as server cabinets.

  1. Consider The Device’s Power Management Systems

Power distribution units, in addition to battery backup, are some of the crucial factors that an individual should consider when selecting a server cabinet. The number of outlets you have is also a significant consideration to weigh. Other than that, it’s vital to note that remote power products, including intelligent power strips, can assist you in reducing the server downtime. It can also reboot issues appended to functionality.

Last words

When choosing or designing a cabinet rack enclosure, you should think about creating it to your specified needs. With the options available in the industry, there’s no need to attempt to fit the entire network into a cabinet that will not serve your needs.